God of faithful love, you guide us by your saving justice. In hope we pray: Reconcile us to you and to one another, O God. By your covenant we are…
God of faithful love, you guide us by your saving justice. In hope we pray: Reconcile us to you and to one another, O God. By your covenant we are…
God of abundant compassion, you call sinners to yourself. In hope we pray: Help us to live your mercy, O God. Restore peace to Ukraine, and assist efforts to end…
Just God, you are the source of our peace. In Jesus’ name we pray: Show us the path of life, O God. You are our refuge: expand welcome and security…
Life-giving God, in company with your servant St. Ireneaus we pray: Make us fully alive in Christ, O God. Reveal the breadth, height, and depth of your love to all…
Loving God, you are forever faithful to the covenant. In hope we pray: Give us grace to live your Word, O God. Help us to be patient and kind with…
Ever-living God, you called St. John the Baptist from birth to prepare your people for the coming of Christ. With joy we pray: Prepare our hearts, O God. Inspire your…
Loving God, you never abandon your own. In confidence we pray: Speak to our hearts, O God. Give all the baptized understanding of the Eucharist and love for our neighbor. …
Everlasting God, we acclaim your majesty and pray: Holy God, hear our prayer. Attune us to the wonder and wisdom of creation, and inspire ways to address desertification. Holy God,…
God of salvation, you are our glory. In hope we pray: Hear us, O God. Gladden the hearts of those who follow you in the religious or monastic life. Hear…
Mysterious God, you are loved and feared above all. In faith we pray: God, hear our prayer. Advance services and concern for veterans and military families. God, hear our prayer. …