A Crisp and Clarifying Light
Have you ever endured an unstintingly dreary day? One of those days when the sun never really comes out?
Have you ever endured an unstintingly dreary day? One of those days when the sun never really comes out?
Jesus has little patience for those who present themselves as morally superior, who look down on those struggling to live a good life.
We are called to be agents of mercy in our communities, extending the social capital of a gentle welcome to others, even as we may feel sidelined, outcast, or alone.
Marathoners call it “hitting the wall” when your energy supply seems to have run out.
Moses’ “meeting tent” also reminds us that God has pitched his tent among us as well.
Can God spread a table in the desert? How can we not ask this question in a time of pandemic and climate disaster?
God picks little guys like Moses—the “childlike,” the barren couple, the migrant family—to change the world.
We hear Thomas’s story and realize that it is possible to doubt one minute and then say without hesitation, “My Lord and my God.”
A wise Benedictine friend once said, “Sometimes, all we can do is say to God, ‘What are you asking of me?’” When he was a young man, his dream of…
When I ask myself what it is that my heart desires, I am always met with “things that show my weakness. . . ”