A Creative Question
This moment in time, on the second day of a new year, is itself a kind of Genesis.
This moment in time, on the second day of a new year, is itself a kind of Genesis.
Sometimes I Prefer a Tamer God . . . . . . a God I can understand better. One who’s more predictable and reasonable.
Juan Diego was but a simple man. He was Our Lady of Guadalupe's kind.
Promise opens a different perspective: the tender God sees beyond limited human vision. God, source of all goodness, promises to walk close beside us.
There is no way around the fact that the kind of faith Jesus asks for when we pray is radical and unreasonable.
Do not be afraid! Do not let your fear of “mighty signs from the sky” hide the signs and wonders God is doing all around us, all the time. In turn, let us be signs of God’s kingdom this day and every day.
Risk is an essential element of love. The master gives his stewards a risky task: to multiply his fortune in an unfriendly land. Christ puts himself in the Church’s hands—he takes a risk on us. How often do we avoid risk and hide what we should proclaim?
When does the kingdom of God come? When we recognize and name who we truly are to each other. When the truth sets all of us free.
How we live usually reflects where we place our trust and find our main motivation, and in this the Scriptures encourage us to examine our priorities.
God has imbued every life with dignity upon conception and given grace with each sacrament. We are all on a journey.