God of heaven and earth, today we remember the violence inflicted on innocent children under the decree of Herod. In faith we pray: God, in your mercy, hear our prayer. …
God of heaven and earth, today we remember the violence inflicted on innocent children under the decree of Herod. In faith we pray: God, in your mercy, hear our prayer. …
O Radiant Light, in the changing of the seasons your creative genius shines forth. In hope we pray: Be with us, O God. For those who work through the night,…
Patient God, you knock at the door of our hearts and wait for our response. In hope we pray: Saving God, be near to us. You ride on the clouds:…
Merciful God of our ancestors, your glory shines over the earth. In awe we pray: Help us to listen, O God. Strengthen a synodal model among Pope Francis, bishops, pastors,…
God of the prophets, you announce salvation for all. In faith we pray: God, in your goodness, hear our prayer. You gladden us by your deeds: help us to cultivate…
Beneficent God, you show love for your people through the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe. In company with Mary and all the saints we pray: Compassionate God, hear our…
Loving God, you accomplish all things and guide us in the way of peace. With Mary we pray: May your holy will be done, O God. Heal divisions in your…
Gracious God, you created all things out of love. In awe of your intense diversity we pray: God, fill us with your love. Fashion your Church into a place of…
God of truth, your covenant of love gives us life. In awe we pray: Faithful God, hear our prayer. Give justice to those who are oppressed, unjustly accused, or held…
God of salvation, all things are known to you. In hope we pray: Teach us your hidden wisdom, O God. Enlighten all the baptized to know the power of your…