Righteous God, your law is love. In hope we pray: Fill us with your Spirit, O God. Cultivate gratitude and goodness of life in deacons and all who seek to…
Righteous God, your law is love. In hope we pray: Fill us with your Spirit, O God. Cultivate gratitude and goodness of life in deacons and all who seek to…
God of justice, you reign forever in love and fidelity. In faith we pray: God, hear us. Help us to let go of resentment, and give us the grace of…
Generous God, you have favored each of us with the love of Christ. We humbly pray: Show us your mercy, God. Heal our inner blindness, and help us to know…
Healing God, through Jesus and the women who follow him, you show your compassion. With trust we pray: God, in your saving love, hear our prayer. Inspire dialogue and respect…
God of the everlasting covenant, your faithfulness and love last from age to age. In hope we pray: Let us find our delight in you, O God. Give gladness and…
God of the living, by the cross of Christ death no longer has power over us. In hope we pray: Have mercy on us, O God. Shine a light of…
God of truth, you are forever faithful to your covenant. In trust we pray: God, in your abundant mercy, hear our prayer. Make fruitful the gardens, fields, and orchards of…
Merciful God, on this National Day of Service and Remembrance, we pray for unity and peace as we say: God, hear our prayer. Strengthen citizens and organizations to engage in…
Nourishing God, your Word is life. In hope we pray: Hear us, O Triune God. Open our hearts to the beauty of creation, and inspire us to respond with reverence…
Compassionate God, in Jesus you show us how to rouse one another to acts of love. In hope we pray: Merciful God, hear us. Unite people of faith in care…