Morning Intercessions
God of love, you were the strength and hope of your servant Martin Luther King Jr. With desire for your justice, we pray: God, come to our aid.
God of love, you were the strength and hope of your servant Martin Luther King Jr. With desire for your justice, we pray: God, come to our aid.
God of faithful love, you are just in every way. In faith we pray: God, teach us.
May God make us complete in everything good so we may do God’s will, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Maker of heaven and earth, you alone are exalted overall creation. In faith we pray: Guide us by your Spirit, O God.
Beneficent God, you bless us with an abundance of grace through Jesus your Son. In faith we pray: God of salvation, hear our prayer.
May the God of peace fill us with hope in believing and lead us to a deeper encounter with Jesus, our brother. Amen.
May God bless us with peace and lead us to an inheritance that is imperishable, kept in heaven for us who are safeguarded through faith in Jesus. Amen.
God of salvation, you reveal yourself to us in the light of Christ. In faith we pray: Holy God, hear our prayer.
May God bless us with loving hearts and peaceful spirits, through Christ Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen.
Eternal God, your covenant lasts forever. In faith we pray: Sun of Justice, come and shine on us.