Photo by Br. Ælred Senna, OSB, a monk of Saint John’s Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota, and publisher of Give Us This Day. Used with permission.


God of our ancestors, you made us and we belong to you. In faith we pray:  Triune God, hear our prayer.   Guide Pope Francis in his efforts to listen to…

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Illustration by Br. Martin Erspamer, OSB, a monk of Saint Meinrad Archabbey, Indiana. Used with permission.


Creating God, in you our hearts find joy. Guide us as we pray:  God, in your love, hear our prayer.   Your Word is our treasure: lead us to deeper pondering…

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Photo by Br. Ælred Senna, OSB, a monk of Saint John’s Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota, and publisher of Give Us This Day. Used with permission.


God, our sun and shield, you enlighten your Church through the fidelity of holy men and women. In company with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton we pray:  Favor us, O God.  …

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