May God give us grace to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change what we can, and wisdom to know the difference, through Jesus our brother. Amen.
May God give us grace to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change what we can, and wisdom to know the difference, through Jesus our brother. Amen.
Ever-living God, your love endures forever. In faith we pray: Show us your compassion, O God.
God of mystery and majesty, your glory shines through the earth. In awe we pray: God, in your great love, hear our prayer.
God of wonderful deeds, you are awesome in every way. We humbly pray: Lead us to your truth, O God.
Merciful God, you never abandon those who hope in you. In faith we pray: God of salvation, hear our prayer.
May God bless us with peace and gladden our hearts in God’s love, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May God increase our faith, hope, and love by the power of the living Word, Jesus our brother. Amen
God of marvelous deeds, you work wonders for us. In hope we pray: Hear our prayer, O God.
Loving God, you are forever present to us. On this Indigenous Peoples’ Day, we humbly pray: God, come to our aid.
May the peace of God stand guard over our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit.