Compassionate God, in Jesus you heal the broken and bind up all wounds.
Compassionate God, in Jesus you heal the broken and bind up all wounds.
May the peace of Christ reign in our hearts, now and always.
Merciful God, you call us to yourself and we belong to you.
Sovereign God, you blessed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with your spirit of unity and peace.
May God gladden our hearts and bless us with peace, through Jesus, our promise of everlasting life.
God of salvation, you are our rock and our shield.
God of mystery and grace, you are the creator of all that is good and holy.
God of the cosmos, heaven and earth rejoice before the Prince of Peace.
May God strengthen us inwardly through the working of the Holy Spirit, that we may prefer nothing to the love of Christ.
May God strengthen us to remain in Christ through all the trials and difficulties of our lives, by the grace and power of the Holy Spirit.