May God fill us with Easter joy and lead us to eternal life, through Jesus, crucified and risen.
May God fill us with Easter joy and lead us to eternal life, through Jesus, crucified and risen.
May God satisfy our longing for the peace of the risen Christ and fill our hearts with Easter joy.
May God bless us, watch over us in love, and fill our hearts with peace.
May we prefer nothing to the love of Christ, and may he bring us together to everlasting life.
All-powerful God, your law revives the soul. Accept our prayers of praise and hear us as we say: God, in your goodness, come to our aid.
May God strengthen us for every good work and word, through Jesus, our hope for everlasting glory.
May almighty God forgive us our sin, show us mercy, and lead us to everlasting life.
May God strengthen us in our vocation to love, through the intercession of Joseph, husband of Mary.
May God give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation and lead us to know the riches of glory that are ours in Christ Jesus.
Healing God, you refresh us with living water.