God, our strength, you deliver us in our hour of distress. In hope we pray: Send us your Spirit, O God. Renew hope in those who are dispirited or somber. …
God, our strength, you deliver us in our hour of distress. In hope we pray: Send us your Spirit, O God. Renew hope in those who are dispirited or somber. …
Loving God, you are the beginning and end of all things. In trust we pray: Heal us, O God. Shower your mercy on those who suffer the loss of limbs…
God of the universe, your creativity shines through the diversity of humanity and creatures.
Everlasting God, your love endures forever. In faith we pray: God, come to our aid. You humble our hearts: help us to fix our attention on love of you and…
Sheltering God, you surround us with cries of deliverance. In hope we pray: God of the covenant, hear our prayer. Inspire ways for your Church to sustain a synodal lifestyle…
Gracious God, your only law is love. Following the example of Mary, Mother of Jesus, we pray: Dwell in our hearts, O God. Give spiritual strength and wisdom in teaching…
Dancing God of the universe, with love you have created all things. In faith we pray: O God, make haste to help us. Unite people of every faith and nation…
Faithful God, your glory shines on all the earth. In hope we pray: God, give us peace. Heal divisions in your Church, and unite Christians as one body in Christ. …
Mighty God, you sanctified St. Jerome through his love of learning and made him a wise translator of your Word. In company with him we pray: Teach us your ways,…
Nurturing God, your abundant compassion surrounds us. We rejoice in your care and pray: Direct our hearts toward you, O God. Prosper the work of Catholic Charities and other services…