God of the prophets, you announce salvation for all. In faith we pray: God, in your goodness, hear our prayer. You gladden us by your deeds: help us to cultivate…
God of the prophets, you announce salvation for all. In faith we pray: God, in your goodness, hear our prayer. You gladden us by your deeds: help us to cultivate…
Beneficent God, you show love for your people through the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe. In company with Mary and all the saints we pray: Compassionate God, hear our…
Loving God, you accomplish all things and guide us in the way of peace. With Mary we pray: May your holy will be done, O God. Heal divisions in your…
Gracious God, you created all things out of love. In awe of your intense diversity we pray: God, fill us with your love. Fashion your Church into a place of…
God of truth, your covenant of love gives us life. In awe we pray: Faithful God, hear our prayer. Give justice to those who are oppressed, unjustly accused, or held…
God of salvation, all things are known to you. In hope we pray: Teach us your hidden wisdom, O God. Enlighten all the baptized to know the power of your…
Sovereign God, in Jesus you make your home among us. Confident of your care we pray: God, show us your face. Strengthen those who experience severe affliction. God, show us…
Generous God, you are the strength of our hearts. In trust we pray: God, awaken our hope. Help us to work together to reduce and transform the current path of…
Wondrous God, you have done great things for us. We ponder your works and pray: Fulfill our hope for your help, O God. You defend widows and orphans: heal women,…
Gracious God, each day you welcome us as we are. In hope we pray: God, in your goodness, hear our prayer. Give peace and hope to those who experience loneliness,…