Morning Intercessions
God of majesty and glory, you chose Mary to be the Mother of the Lord. Gather your Church together under her protective care as we pray: God, fill us with your grace.
God of majesty and glory, you chose Mary to be the Mother of the Lord. Gather your Church together under her protective care as we pray: God, fill us with your grace.
Your works fill us with joy: open our minds and vision to the wonders and beauty of the universe.
Saving God, you radiated your love in the joy of your disciple Philip. Enlightened by the same spirit we pray: Light our way, O God of the living.
Giver of every gift, in Jesus you restore our life in you. With hope we pray: Bring us back to you, O God.
May the Lord enlighten us to know what is the length, breadth, height, and depth of God’s love, and fill us with gratitude and praise.
Victorious God, in Jesus you swallow death forever. In trust we pray: Living God, lead us to your kingdom.
Gracious God, your majesty and power shines through creation. In wonder we pray: God, in your loving kindness, hear our prayer
God of our salvation, you are our saving help. In trust we pray: Let us be at peace with you, O God.
May God fill us with peace and be with us all our days, in Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Faithful God, your love endures forever. In confidence we pray: God, in your wisdom, hear our prayer.