Evening Intercessions
God of justice, you guide us by your light and your truth. In faith we pray: O God, gladden our hearts.
God of justice, you guide us by your light and your truth. In faith we pray: O God, gladden our hearts.
May the peace of God, the love of Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with us and remain with us always
God of mystery, your glory shines forth in the lives of the saints. In company with St. John Vianney we pray: Hear us, O God.
Saving God, you are light in the darkness. In hope we pray: Hearken to our prayer, O God.
Loving God, our friendship with you in Jesus gives joy to our hearts. In gratitude we pray: Let us rejoice in you, O God.
Gracious God, you love those centered in truth. Hear us as we pray: God, teach us your wisdom.
God of truth, you know our hearts. In faith we pray: Teach us your ways, O God.
Forgiving God, in your loving mercy, attend to us as we pray: Redeeming God, answer our prayer.
Most High God, greatness and splendor abound in your presence. In awe we pray: Righteous God, hear our prayer.
May the Word of God be always in our hearts and on our lips, through Jesus our teacher. Amen