Evening Intercessions
God of all, you reach out to those in captivity. In trust we pray: God, in your justice, hear our prayer.
God of all, you reach out to those in captivity. In trust we pray: God, in your justice, hear our prayer.
God of eternity, it is yours to give greatness and strength to all. In faith we pray: O God, attend to our prayer.
May God help us in times of trial and lead us along the everlasting way, through Jesus our Savior. Amen.
May God lead us along pathways of peace and guard us in love, through Jesus our redeemer. Amen.
May the God of our ancestors sustain our hope, strengthen us in fidelity, and guard us in peace, through Jesus our brother. Amen.
May God grant mercy, light, and peace to all the faithful departed and lead us along the way to everlasting life in Jesus. Amen.
God of the apostles, your friends tell of glory and your love. In company with Saints Philip and James we pray: Make us joyful in you, O God.
Nurturing God, you sustain your Church by your sacraments. In company with St. Athanasius we pray: O God, lead us along the everlasting way.
God of wisdom, you made St. Catherine a witness of Christ to help heal the Church and the world. With her we pray to you: Hear us, O God.
May God fortify us with every gift of the Spirit and bring us to share in the everlasting life Christ has won for us. Amen.