God of majesty, in the Transfiguration of Jesus all peoples see your glory in Christ, your beloved Son. We rejoice and pray: Most High God, receive our prayer. Bring an…
God of majesty, in the Transfiguration of Jesus all peoples see your glory in Christ, your beloved Son. We rejoice and pray: Most High God, receive our prayer. Bring an…
Just God, you lavish us with every grace we need. In faith we pray: God, in your abundance, hear our prayer. Pour your Spirit upon those who will gather at…
Glorious God, your praise extends throughout the earth. In joy we pray: God, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Uphold Pope Francis and your Church in efforts to abolish secrecy…
Faithful God, you are forever present to us. In hope we pray: God, in your loving-kindness, hear our prayer. Relieve the suffering of those who endure chronic pain or long-term…
Everlasting God, you are trustworthy and true. With longing we pray: God, in your abundant mercy, hear us. Teach us to be silent and to listen for the groaning of…
God of our ancestors, you favored your servants Joachim and Anne to be the parents of the Mother of Jesus. In company with them we pray: Teach us your ways,…
Compassionate God, you are the source of true power and strength. In faith we pray: God, give us your grace. Shower your healing upon those who suffer from cancer or…
Loving God, you made St. Mary Magdalene the first to proclaim the risen Lord. We rejoice with her and pray: Let us find our joy in you, O God. Animate…
Faithful God, your love endures forever. In hope we pray: God, in your goodness, hear our prayer. Inspire us to offer a word of encouragement or supporting presence to those…
God of majesty and glory, your name is acclaimed through all the earth. In faith we pray: Show us your love, O God. For those who suffer ridicule, bullying, or…