Evening Intercessions
God of our ancestors, in Jesus you give us eternal life. With confidence we pray: Lord, hear our prayer.
God of our ancestors, in Jesus you give us eternal life. With confidence we pray: Lord, hear our prayer.
May God answer us in time of trial and give us our heart’s desire, by the holy name of Jesus. Amen.
May God order our days in peace and welcome us with choirs of angels when our earthly pilgrimage has ended. Amen.
Gracious God, by your love and grace you inspired Vincent to provide for the physical and spiritual needs of the poor.
God of wonderful deeds, through the cross of Jesus you lead us to new life. We pray: Strengthen our faith, O God.
God our Rock, you uphold all who put their trust in you. In faith we pray: r. Give us peace, O God.
God of the covenant, you commissioned Matthew to preach the Good News. In company with him we pray: O God, hear our prayer.
Creating God, you bestowed upon your daughter Hildegard many spiritual gifts. In company with her we pray: Expand our hearts, O God.
May the Spirit of Christ be our hope through the day and our guard through the night, now and always. Amen.
Compassionate God, you gave Mary the grace to share in the passion and suffering of Jesus at the foot of the cross. With her we pray: Show us your mercy, O God.