Evening Intercessions
O God our savior, you are all merciful. In trust we pray: God, grant us your salvation.
O God our savior, you are all merciful. In trust we pray: God, grant us your salvation.
God of our ancestors, your covenant is from age to age. In faith we pray: O Wisdom of God, come teach us the path of salvation.
Redeeming God, by your strong arm you save us from sin and death. In hope we pray: Christ, be our light.
Saving God, in your light we see light. In company with St. Lucy we pray: O God, let all the peoples praise you.
May God grant us refreshment and deepen our hope as we await the coming of Jesus, our promised peace. Amen
Saving God, you alone are our rock. In faith we pray: God, our refuge, hear our prayer.
Ever-living God, we ponder your faithful love and pray: God, in your saving justice, hear our prayer.
May the praise of God be always on our lips and in our hearts, through Jesus, the Wisdom of God. Amen.
Provident God, you called St. Andrew to leave his nets and follow you. In company with him we pray: God, in your love, hear our prayer.
Great artist of the universe, your light shines throughout the earth. In hope we pray: Loving God, pour your grace upon our world.