Everlasting God, we acclaim your majesty and pray: Holy God, hear our prayer. Attune us to the wonder and wisdom of creation, and inspire ways to address desertification. Holy God,…
Everlasting God, we acclaim your majesty and pray: Holy God, hear our prayer. Attune us to the wonder and wisdom of creation, and inspire ways to address desertification. Holy God,…
God of salvation, you are our glory. In hope we pray: Hear us, O God. Gladden the hearts of those who follow you in the religious or monastic life. Hear…
Mysterious God, you are loved and feared above all. In faith we pray: God, hear our prayer. Advance services and concern for veterans and military families. God, hear our prayer. …
God of the covenant, you are steadfast, loyal, and true. In faith we pray: God, in your love, hear our prayer. Make your Church an advocate for the protection of…
Faithful God, you embrace all life in your tender mercy. Mindful of your great compassion shown to us in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we pray: God, in your love,…
God of the living, you form us and claim us as your own. In trust we pray: Give us peace, O God. Quell the cries for revenge and the desire…
Holy God, you are our refuge in times of trouble. In trust we pray: O God, make haste to help us. Inspire religious and faith communities who are reconfiguring or…
Ever-faithful God, your friends tell of your glory. In hope we pray: Keep watch over us, O God. Thwart the plots of those who seek to do harm, and advance…
Renewing God, by your hand the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. In faith we pray: Open our hearts, O God. Guide your Church to greater understanding…
Glorious God, all praise belongs to you. In confidence we pray: Help us to channel your gift of grace, O God. Purify your Church by your transforming Spirit and guidance,…