Daily Prayer for Today’s Catholic
Give Us This Day is a monthly publication for today’s Catholic that helps you pray each and every day. Drawing inspiration from a multitude of voices, it provides a relevant and trustworthy understanding of Scripture.
Give Us This Day is a prayer resource from Liturgical Press, the publishing house of Saint John’s Abbey, a Benedictine community in Collegeville, Minnesota.
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Georges Rouault
The French artist Georges Rouault began his career as an apprentice in a studio for stained-glass restoration, an experience that

God’s Agenda or Ours?
When it comes to holiness and purity of heart, the bottom line is love of God and love of neighbor.

God, source of our being, St. Scholastica won your favor because of her great love. Lead us to greater love

St. Josephine Bakhita
At the age of nine, Bakhita was kidnapped from her village in southern Sudan and sold into slavery. For years,
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