All-powerful God, your judgment is with justice. In hope we pray: Lead us by your truth, O God. Help us to find joy in living the Gospel. Lead us by…
All-powerful God, your judgment is with justice. In hope we pray: Lead us by your truth, O God. Help us to find joy in living the Gospel. Lead us by…
God of our praise, your love is our song. In faith we pray: Speak to our hearts, O God. Guide women and men of courage who challenge unjust practices. Speak…
Living God, you lovingly nurture creation. In confidence we pray: Let us recount your praise, O God. Guide pastors, deacons, and all who preach and teach your Word. Let us…
God of faithful love, you guide us by your saving justice. In hope we pray: Reconcile us to you and to one another, O God. By your covenant we are…
God of abundant compassion, you call sinners to yourself. In hope we pray: Help us to live your mercy, O God. Restore peace to Ukraine, and assist efforts to end…
Just God, you are the source of our peace. In Jesus’ name we pray: Show us the path of life, O God. You are our refuge: expand welcome and security…
Life-giving God, in company with your servant St. Ireneaus we pray: Make us fully alive in Christ, O God. Reveal the breadth, height, and depth of your love to all…
Loving God, you are forever faithful to the covenant. In hope we pray: Give us grace to live your Word, O God. Help us to be patient and kind with…
Ever-living God, you called St. John the Baptist from birth to prepare your people for the coming of Christ. With joy we pray: Prepare our hearts, O God. Inspire your…
Loving God, you never abandon your own. In confidence we pray: Speak to our hearts, O God. Give all the baptized understanding of the Eucharist and love for our neighbor. …