Blessed Maria Romero
While Sr. Maria moved between both worlds, she soon found her special mission in forming the social conscience of her wealthy students.
While Sr. Maria moved between both worlds, she soon found her special mission in forming the social conscience of her wealthy students.
There was nothing inherently corrupt in creation; it was only through the distortion of sin that human beings lost their “likeness to God.”
His beliefs were tested in 1965 when he addressed an open letter to military chaplains who had publicly condemned conscientious objectors as cowards.
Guilty of nothing other than “praying while black,” these martyrs highlighted the enduring stain of racism.
Before long drink had become the primary focus of his life. All the wages he earned . . . went to support his addiction.
Margaret Anna Cusack, a Poor Clare in Ireland, became widely known as “the Nun of Kenmare” for her prophetic writings on issues of her day.
Over time Mary received many such mystical experiences, some ecstatic and others accompanied by deep suffering.
Very quickly, Felix acquired a reputation for holiness. Even members of his community referred to him as “the saint.”
Our challenge, Percy believed, was to recover our true humanity, to break loose from abstractions and ideologies, and “re-enter the lovely, ordinary world.”
Her husband became increasingly impressed by her courage and equanimity, realizing that she drew this strength from her faith.