Morning Intercessions
May God bless us with full knowledge of the love shown to us through Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen.
May God bless us with full knowledge of the love shown to us through Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen.
God of love, on this night you make a new covenant with your Church. In hope we pray: Let us find our gladness in you, O God.
Forgiving God, you are our source of joy and hope. We praise you and pray: God, in your wisdom, hear our prayer. Guide and protect all who travel by land,…
May God clothe us in love and bring us together to everlasting life in Christ. Amen.
Living God, on this first day of spring we rejoice in your creation and pray: Fashion us into your image, O God.
God, our deliverer, with you all things are possible. In faith we pray: Re-create us by your love, O God.
May the Spirit of God abide in our communities, and may the peace of Christ reign in our hearts, now and always. Amen.
May the Spirit of God be our hope through the day and guide us along the everlasting way, in Jesus, our Shepherd. Amen.
God of surprises, you lift up the lowly and keep an eye on the proud. In hope we pray to you: Fill us with your Spirit, O God.
May we prefer nothing to Christ, and may he bring us together to everlasting life. Amen.