Good God, you teach us to find truth in our humility. With longing we pray: Gracious God, hear our prayer. Expand our sacramental view of life. Gracious God, hear our…
Good God, you teach us to find truth in our humility. With longing we pray: Gracious God, hear our prayer. Expand our sacramental view of life. Gracious God, hear our…
God of the nations, in Jesus you came among us as servant and brother. We humbly pray: God, in your kindness, hear our prayer. Give us a listening heart, empathetic…
God of majesty and mystery, you chose Mary to be the Mother of Jesus and of the Church. Gather your Church together under her protective care as we pray: God…
Shepherding God, you seek out those who are poor and needy. In faith we pray: Just God, hear our prayer. Save those who are oppressed by war, political unrest, or…
Creator of heaven and earth, your renown is from age to age. Hear us as we pray: Strengthen us for the work of the Gospel, O God. Advance fruitful dialogue…
Merciful God, you are the hope of all the earth. In faith we pray: God, our savior, hear our prayer. Help your Church to take concrete actions to redress clergy…
Great God, your name reaches the ends of the earth. In hope we pray: Guide us, O God. For catechists, teachers, and counselors, we pray: Guide us, O God. For…
Glorious God, on this feast of the Ascension you give us a glimpse into your everlasting life. With trust we pray: Lead us to your truth, O God. Inspire your…
God of salvation, you are unsurpassable in knowledge and love. In hope we pray: Gracious God, hear our prayer. Nourish the vocation journey of men and women religious and seminarians. …
God, our strength, you know us and we belong to you. In faith we pray: God, in your wisdom, hear our prayer. Inspire creativity and gratitude in the hearts of…