Servant of God Mary Lange
Observing there to be no available public education for Black children in the city, Elizabeth and a friend opened a school in their home.
Observing there to be no available public education for Black children in the city, Elizabeth and a friend opened a school in their home.
von Hügel came to play a role in the Modernist controversy, which involved a loosely connected network of scholars seeking to reconcile Catholic faith with principles of modern philosophy, biblical interpretation, and historical consciousness.
hich Nhat Hanh wrote extensively on parallels between the ways of Jesus and Buddha, and his wide audience and devoted followers were drawn from many religious traditions.
Dolores had little interest in high society. Instead, she was irresistibly drawn to those on the margins—the poor, the sick, prisoners.
January 6 is the traditional feast of Epiphany, commemorating the visit of three Magi, or wise men, from the East.
The feast of the Holy Family, most often celebrated on the Sunday after Christmas, encourages us to imagine the setting in which Jesus spent his childhood years learning a trade from his father, Joseph, learning the sacred history of his people, learning how to pray and how to worship God.
Origen, the greatest theologian of the early Greek Church, was born to Christian parents in Alexandria, Egypt.
Virginia Centurione was born to a noble family of Genoa. Though she was attracted to religious life, her parents arranged for her marriage to Caspar Bracelli when she was fifteen.
St. Nicholas is one of the most popular of all saints: patron of Russia and Greece and of many classes of people, from children to prostitutes.
In his 2015 speech to Congress, Pope Francis included Dorothy Day among his list of four “great Americans” who offer a “new way of seeing and interpreting reality.”