Is It You? Is It I?
Today’s story from the Gospel of John takes place at the empty tomb on the day of Jesus’ resurrection. At the outset of this reflection, I must ask the age-old…
Today’s story from the Gospel of John takes place at the empty tomb on the day of Jesus’ resurrection. At the outset of this reflection, I must ask the age-old…
Do not be afraid! Do not let your fear of “mighty signs from the sky” hide the signs and wonders God is doing all around us, all the time. In turn, let us be signs of God’s kingdom this day and every day.
In our litigious and somewhat jaded society, it is a challenge to remember what Jesus teaches us: law is about love before it is about behavior.
Luke’s Gospel places before us a nameless biblical woman of protest and persistence, she has no standing and presumably no rights in her community.