Life is Not a Competitive Game

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Image from the Met Museum, New York. Public Domain.

“For they had been discussing among themselves on the way who was the greatest.” I wonder how often that thought enters into our thinking. While Christ taught that the last will be first and the first will be last, honestly it isn’t much fun to come in last.

I still recall the sting of humiliation in junior high when gym class required us to be divided into two teams. Gifted athletes were appointed as head of each tribe who took turns choosing their members. I remained unclaimed until the last.

I wonder what parents do to protect their children from such humbling experiences. We live in a hyper-competitive society where winning, scoring high, achieving, holding office compels parents and children to seek advantages and extra training even as these impose sacrifices of financial resources, family time, rest, play, and joy.

Unfortunately, all of us eventually meet others with gifts that we do not have and face the disappointments of not winning. Sirach reminds us that, when centered on God, we can stay “undisturbed in the time of adversity.” Christ teaches that we are to be welcomed like children without rank or credentials.

Games may be competitive, fun, and even instructive, but life is not a game. Life is a sacred endeavor where God reveals his divinity and blessedness through us individually. Fidelity to this divine imprint and cooperation—not winning—is our calling and ultimate fulfillment.

© Liturgical Press.

Carolyn Woo

Carolyn Woo is the retired CEO of Catholic Relief Services. She and her husband, David Bartkus, are the parents of two adult sons.

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