
You are currently viewing Intercessions
Photo by Br. Ælred Senna, OSB, a monk of Saint John’s Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota, and publisher of Give Us This Day. Used with permission.

God, our sun and shield, you enlighten your Church through the fidelity of holy men and women. In company with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton we pray: 

Favor us, O God.  

Shower every grace and gift upon the Sisters of Charity and all who serve in education and health care. 

Favor us, O God.  

Unite people of faith in addressing homelessness and caring for those in need. 

Favor us, O God.  

Comfort and strengthen those who grieve. 

Favor us, O God.  

Our Father . . .  

May God bless us with every gift of the Spirit and guide us in the ways of love, through Jesus the Anointed One. Amen. 

© Liturgical Press.

Sr. Susan Barber, OSB

Sister Susan Barber, OSB, is a member of the Benedictine Community of Mount St. Scholastica in Atchison, KS. She received a master’s degree in Music from UMKC and a master’s degree from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Susan is currently the community’s liturgist. She is one of the community’s main organists and pianists. Susan graduated from Souljourners in 2018 and offers retreats at Sophia.

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