
You are currently viewing Intercessions
Girl in bed illustration by Br. Martin Erspamer, OSB, a monk of Saint Meinrad Archabbey, Indiana. Used with permission.

Provident God, you comfort us in our affliction. In faith we pray to you: Give us peace, O God. 

Grant patience and hope to those who wait for healing, a good word, or the return of a loved one. 

Give us peace, O God. 

Strengthen health-care workers, and safeguard them from fatigue and illness. 

Give us peace, O God. 

Send your Spirit upon hospice workers and all who sit with the dying. 

Give us peace, O God. 

Our Father . . . May God accept our contrition and gird us with joy, through Jesus, the mercy of God. Amen. 

© Liturgical Press.

Sr. Susan Barber, OSB

Sister Susan Barber, OSB, is a member of the Benedictine Community of Mount St. Scholastica in Atchison, KS. She received a master’s degree in Music from UMKC and a master’s degree from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Susan is currently the community’s liturgist. She is one of the community’s main organists and pianists. Susan graduated from Souljourners in 2018 and offers retreats at Sophia.

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