All Those Treasures?
Therese J. Borchard is a writer and a chaplain. She lives with her husband in Annapolis, Maryland, and blogs at

All Those Treasures?

Grace is why we can relax and purge. It’s not about us. It’s about God, and what God can do in our lives through Christ Jesus... if we make room for him.

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Less Than?
Jesus and the Little Child by James Tissot, between 1886 and 1894. Online collection of the Brooklyn Museum. Public domain.

Less Than?

Who does our society fail to recognize because we measure greatness based on financial wealth, power, or influence?

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Family Ties
Illustration by Br. Martin Erspamer, OSB, a monk of Saint Meinrad Archabbey, Indiana. Used with permission.

Family Ties

Who, really, are our mothers and brothers? Who are the people hearing the word of God and acting on it? They may not be people living in a “perfect” family.

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Words and Examples
Illustration by Fr. Emmanuel Franco, O. Carm., a friar of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Priory, Tucson,l Arizona. Used with permission.

Words and Examples

God loved the world so much that God sent Jesus to lead us by word and example—and by the way of the cross—to new freedom as God’s sons and daughters.

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