Our reading from Hebrews today could easily slip by us, but it bears an important message. The author contrasts an approach to God marked by fear, leading Moses to say, “I am terrified and trembling,” with a positive image intended to draw us close to God. The point can be stated simply: Do not be afraid!
Jesus might well have spoken similar words as he sent the Twelve out to preach repentance. The Gospel does not tell us what they were thinking or feeling at that moment, but we can imagine our own reactions if we were standing in their sandals. Would we be excited or fearful? Confident or hesitant? Eager or reluctant?
Those questions are important because we are, in effect, standing in their sandals. The mission Jesus gave them has been handed on to us today. We are all called to proclaim the Good News of redemption and to invite others to embrace it and join the company of disciples of Jesus.
In our own time, every Pope from Paul VI to Francis has called us to become evangelizers, to reach out to those who are not yet disciples and invite them to join us. How are we doing with this mission?
I suspect most of us have hesitations about embracing that call. As Jesus tells the Twelve, we will not always be welcomed. Our efforts may fail. People may not respond as we would hope. But we never know when a word or invitation we extend may be a seed that bears fruit later. We do know that, whatever we face, God will be with us to sustain us and nurture the seeds we sow. Are we ready to try? Be not afraid!