Which Scripture translations are used in Give Us This Day? ›
- The Scripture texts for Mass are from the Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America, second typical edition. Copyright © 1970, 1986, 1997, 1998, 2001, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC.
- The Scripture selections for prayer in the morning, evening, and at night are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC.
- Psalm texts for morning, evening, and night prayers are from The Ecumenical Grail Psalter.Copyright © 2015, Conception Abbey / The Grail, admin. by GIA Publications, Inc.
- The English translation of the Gospel canticles (Magnificat, Benedictus, and Nunc Dimittis) are by the International Consultation on English Texts (ICEL).
How does Give Us This Day determine which saints’ memorials and feasts to recognize? ›
- Memorials, feasts, and solemnities are always recognized in Give Us This Day in the texts for the Mass. Optional memorials are noted in the calendar at the front of each issue, as well as at the beginning of the texts for Mass for each day, as appropriate.
How does Give Us This Day determine who to profile in the “Blessed Among Us” feature? ›
- The “Blessed Among Us” profile is often the saint whose memorial or feast falls on that day. But in order to provide a wider range of saintly witnesses, and to avoid repetition year after year, we sometimes feature other people whose lives exemplified extraordinary commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (The Blessed Among Us book is an excellent companion for those who wish to read about the saints on their feasts or memorials.)
- Most often, the “Blessed Among Us” witnesses are Catholic, though sometimes Christians of other traditions may be featured. Less frequently, we feature people of different religious backgrounds who clearly model values and ideals that Catholics hold dear.
- During his address to the US Congress in 2015, Pope Francis held up four Americans whose lives gave witness to the Gospel and as such are worthy of emulating: Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Dorothy Day, and Thomas Merton. Though only two of these witnesses are Catholic, with our Holy Father, we believe they all have something to teach us about holiness. And it is in this spirit that Give Us This Day from time to time features non-Catholics in our “Blessed Among Us” feature.
Why is it that the prayers and readings used at Mass on some days do not match those in Give Us This Day? ›
- When a priest opts to celebrate the Mass for a particular Optional Memorial, for example, those prayers will not appear in the pages of Give Us This Day. We have chosen not to include ALL of the options for every day, only the primary ones for any day. This is to keep Give Us This Day to a manageable size that will be easy to use and navigate for the reader.
Does Give Us This Day feature the official Liturgy of the Hours? ›
- No, for a number of reasons. The principal reason is that those who pray the Liturgy of the Hours either pray it with their religious community or on their own using another published edition. We know, however, that there are many people who want to pray in harmony with their fellow members of the Body of Christ. Today’s busy lifestyle and sometimes hectic schedule can often limit the amount of time some have to devote to this practice. For this reason, Give Us This Day offers an abbreviated form of prayer for morning, evening, and night that follows the basic outline of the Liturgy of the Hours. Whether you have 5 or 10 minutes or half an hour, we hope that you will find inspiration and support for your own prayer practice in the pages of Give Us This Day.
Do you offer discounts for multiple-copy subscriptions? ›
Discounts for multiple-copy subscriptions are available with as few as 5 copies.
Bulk subscription discounted prices are per subscription and include shipping to a single address within the United States. Additional shipping charges will apply to subscriptions mailed outside of the United States.
1 year (12 issues) Standard Print Edition*
5–19 copies $37.96
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1 year (12 issues) Large Print Edition*
5–19 copies $49.96
20–49 copies $43.72
50–199 copies $37.47
200–499 copies $34.20
500+ copies $30.95
*Large print copies can be combined with standard print for an overall reduced rate. Call 888-259-8470 for assistance setting up a multiple-copy subscription.
How can I give the gift of Give Us This Day to someone I know? ›
- Gift subscriptions are available. Call us at 1-888-259-8470 or click here to subscribe online. Be sure to click the appropriate box to indicate that you are purchasing the subscription as a gift.
Can I get a sample of Give Us This Day for myself or a friend? ›
- Click here and you can request an individual sample or a quantity of samples for your parish or group.
Can I request samples for our parish, prayer group, bible study, or other group? ›
- Click here and you can request an individual sample or a quantity of samples for your parish or group.
Do you sell, lease or rent subscriber names? ›
- We take our subscribers’ privacy seriously and do not share or sell the Give Us This Day subscriber list to other organizations. We will on occasion send offers for other publications from Liturgical Press we think will be of interest to our subscribers. If you would prefer not to receive additional offers from Liturgical Press we can add your name to our “Do not mail” list.
Why do I receive renewal notices so far ahead of the end of my subscription? ›
We send renewal reminders starting about six months before your last issue in order to provide you with uninterrupted service. Because we mail each monthly issue about six weeks before the start of the month (the May issue mails in mid-March, for example), we’d like to receive your renewal three months before your last issue to allow for normal processing and mailing.
Of course, there are two ways that you can control the number of renewal notices you receive—renew with the first notice, or renew for a two-year subscription.
How is artwork selected for use in an issue? ›
- We select artwork through a committee review process. We seek to represent a variety of Christian traditions in the art we select, including pieces from across the history of Christianity—though we typically lean decidedly toward more modern / contemporary pieces, and away from the Euro-centric / Western Renaissance pieces, feeling that art from that period and location is fairly well-known to many of our readers. Our desire is both to allow our readers sometimes to see themselves and their tradition represented in the art we present, while stretching them beyond their own comfortable boundaries to think about how Christians from other places and traditions, both women and men, especially in the present day, express their faith through art. In each issue, toward the back pages, an article is included titled “About the Cover.” It offers insight about the featured art to further understanding of the style and message.
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How do I navigate within the digital edition on my desktop or laptop computer? ›
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Will my Give Us This Day account work on other websites? ›
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Why can’t I access back issues of my digital subscription? ›
The reason we cannot archive back issues of Give Us This Day on our web site is a matter of licensing and copyright. While much of the work in Give Us This Day is newly commissioned, we hold rights to some of this content only until the end of the cover date. Additionally, there is a lot of content for which we do not hold the copyright and thus seek permission to reprint: some of the daily reflections, all of the Scripture and Mass texts, etc. Under the terms of our licenses with these publishers, we can make the content available on our web site only through the last day of the issue in which the work appears.
You are able to download the monthly issues of Give Us This Day if you do so before the end of the cover date. The content is then yours for personal use in the same way the print edition would be. In short, you can archive the digital edition as long as you do not share the content, but we are contractually unable to archive the issues.
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