St. Giles
“Saint Giles and the Hind” oil on oak, National Gallery. Public Domain. Image attained via Wikimedia Commons

St. Giles

St. Giles was among the Fourteen Holy Helpers, a group of saints commonly invoked in the Middle Ages for protection against illness and misfortune.

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Simone Weil
Portrait of Simone Weil, Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Simone Weil

Though her thinking became increasingly Christ-centered, she believed her vocation was to remain on the “threshold of the Church”—in solidarity with all those outside. She could not bear to separate herself from “the immense and unfortunate multitude of unbelievers.”

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St. Ignatius Loyola
Image of Saint Ignatius of Loyola in the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Havana. Photo by Yandry Fernandez, public domain via Getty Images

St. Ignatius Loyola

Aside from his role in founding the Jesuits, Ignatius made a huge contribution through the publication of his Spiritual Exercises, a manual devised for the spiritual formation of his followers.

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St. Benedict
Saint Benedict Statue, Public Domain via Wikimedia

St. Benedict

Few saints have left such a palpable impact on the world as St. Benedict, founder of the great Italian monastery at Monte Cassino and author of a Rule that set a standard for the Western monastic tradition.

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